Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Our poke at Pikes Peak!

See the bear claw marks on this tree

Min looking for bears

At the top!

The weather was just perfect for our drive to the 14110 ft summit.
Discovered in the 1800’s by Zebulon Pike although the Ute Indians enjoyed the area for many thousands of years.
Ian struggled with the low gear climb and managed to get us up in one piece..The final mile was under construction, we shared the single track with diggers & articulated lorries, dicing with certain death over the sheer sides.
The Summit boasts 50% less oxygen than at sea level & altitude sickness is common, Min of course complained of every symptom listed on the guide CD but made a miraculous recovery at the gift shop. Ian ( The man you have to bully to take an aspirin ) said the altitude made him feel like he’d been on drugs ( What? Wine gums & calpol )
We took lots of photos of the breathtaking views which you can see attached.
We stopped at Crystal reservoir on the way back & our very own David Attenboro managed to snap some nifty Chip monk footage.
Made use of the pool this afternoon It gets cloudy in the afternoons here so no sun tan top ups L
Tonight we are dining in Indian Style at the Mirch Masala in Colorado Springs.. We will let u know our ratings!
See Ya Soon Lovin the comments guys keep it up !


  1. This is the very natural place to the visit the all types of people. I will going in the coming weekend after fee our paper. For the master's education i taking the help from the Audit thesis writing services to getting the highest marks in the whole class.

  2. I just read your post on tackling Pikes Peak, and wow, what an adventure! Your descriptions made me feel like I was right there with you, battling the elevation and soaking in the stunning views. The bit about the unpredictable weather had me chuckling—sounds like Mother Nature kept you on your toes! Thanks for sharing such an exhilarating experience.
